Today we have an amazing artist with us for the first time. I am elated to introduce you all to REDRUM, some of you may be familiar with her already or it may be your first time getting acquainted. I found REDRUM via Electric Hawk and quickly was enamored by her sound. Following the drop of her latest single Fluid on the Electric Hawk platform, I knew I had to reach out and chat with her. She has such a unique style that beautifully blends bass and synths to take each listener on a whimsical journey of sound. Fluid can be found on all streaming platforms and linked down below! 2020 has affected the live events industry in so many ways but it has really affected the artists. As the light of hope seems to be glimmering within the start of this year, I cannot wait to see artists like REDRUM touring again. Until then, stay tuned for releases and livestream shows.
Hey there REDRUM, so grateful to have you on Stay Vibrant. I would love to know a bit more about you. For starters, where did you get the inspiration for your artist name?
First off thank you for having me! I got the inspiration for my name from a couple different things, most prominent would be The Shining and Dr Sleep by Stephen King. I’m obsessed with horror films and true crime and I wanted something simple and catchy and one night I was rewatching The Shining and it jumped out at me so I went with it.
I was reading a bit about how you got your start in music, do you mind sharing that story and your inspiration for jumping into this world?
I kind of just jumped right in, I went to a show during a really low point in my life I had just gotten out of a really rough relationship and wasn’t really sure what to do with my life. I remember feeling total bliss and happier than I had ever felt and I knew I wanted to make people feel that same way. I had no idea what I was doing and downloaded ableton the next week and haven’t looked back since. week and haven’t looked back since.
A huge part of Stay Vibrant is diving into Mental Health, especially as it relates to artists. With clubs, festivals and everything shutting down along with social distancing requirements-

- can you describe where you were at mentally during all of this?
Mentally, being honest, this year has been so hard on me. I struggle with bipolar disorder so I feel every emotion really intensely and trying to maintain a balance has been so hard especially since the only time I go out is to go to shows!
Some incredibly amazing art comes out of or after dark, crazy times. Truly expecting another roaring 20s of sorts. Do you find that inspiration comes to you during the hard days or moments?
Absolutely! My best work comes from my darkest moments because writing music is my outlet. I’ve actually noticed I have a harder time coming up with ideas when I’m happy or in a good mood.
For any of the aspiring artists, fans and readers out there: is there any advice or go-tos you have to manage the rough patches or to get you through times of discouragement?
Just remember that you are not the emotion you’re feeling and it will pass. It’s okay to feel the moments of sadness and disappointment, allow yourself to sit in it and then let the wave pass. I have a really hard time of reminding myself that so I also need to take my own advice!
It feels incredibly cliche' to say but 2021 feels like a light at the end of the tunnel, a burst of creative energy and excitement. You also just had a release, Fluid, via Electric Hawk-- what are you excited about this year in terms of life and music?
This year feels really hopeful to me. I have progressed a lot, Fluid is actually a pretty old track of mine and I have developed my technical skills quite a bit since then, but, I’m only going on my third year of production so I’m still growing and developing my skills and sound quite a bit. I’m looking forward to developing my sound more and sharing more of my brain with the world.
I appreciate you taking the time to chat. Is there anything else you'd like to leave the readers with or plug?
I would like to say thank you for having me again, and if you haven’t yet go listen to the entire In Unity compilation, there’s so many talented artists that deserve the attention on there and I’m so honored to have been apart of it! In Unity Album: here.